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Industrial flexibility potential (FlexBeAn project)


Dear participant,


This questionnaire aims to assess the demand-side flexibility of the Luxembourgish industry. It is part of the FlexBeAn (Flexibility potentials and users Behaviour Analysis) project in collaboration with SnT, LIST and CREOS.


The questionnaire should be answered per facility and consist of 4 parts: general, energy, manufacturing and final questions. Within the questionnaire, the facility is defined as one geographical location with one connection to the grid where industrial processes take place. 


You can stop the questionnaire any time you want and access it again where you left off. For that, just click on "resume later" bottom, on the right part. You will need to enter an email address and create a username and password. A link will arrive in your email to continue with the questionnaire.


Multiple people can answer the same questionnaire if you feel it is beneficial. For example, if one person is the expert in energy and another in manufacturing, each person can focus on their part by using the username and password. In this way, the answers will be saved in the same questionnaire.


Thank you very much for participating!



Declaration of information

Data collected during the workshop on the 24th of February and from this questionnaire, organized by the research group FINATRAX of the University of Luxembourg/SnT, will exclusively be used in the framework of the research project entitled " FlexBeAn ", realised in collaboration with LIST, CREOS.

The goal of the project "FlexBeAn: Flexibility potentials and user Behaviour Analysis" together with the grid-operator CREOS and the Luxembourgish Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is to systematically assess how the different energy sectors (Industry, Households, SMEs, Mobility) in Luxembourg will react in a future electricity system which is exposed to higher volatility of electricity feed-in and electricity market prices. The project consists of three main pillars. First, the technical flexibility potential for each energy sector will be assessed. Second, there will be a detailed analysis of how private customers can be addressed to provide a higher share of flexibility. Moreover third, there is an assessment of the future evolvement of electricity markets and how they might impact Luxembourg's energy sectors.

The workshops and surveys serve to collect data for research purposes.

All data collected will be protected from unauthorised access by third parties and will not be transferred to third countries. The publication of research results takes place exclusively anonymously and does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about a person or a company. All publications connected with the data will not reveal the identifying data such as company name, location etc.

Personal data will be destroyed or deleted as soon as the purpose of the research permits. Deletion takes place at the end of the project, but after three years at the latest. 

I had the opportunity to ask further questions about data collection and use. I have understood and accepted the answers.